List your property with Realty Express
0% Listing fee | Average savings of $14,250 | 4.7 Star rating on Google
How would you like to list your property?
Listing your property on the MLS can be a difficult task. Realty Express is here to help simplify the process as much as possible. Get started with one of our pre built packages and from there pick and choose only the services you feel you really need. At any point you have the option of adding on services or upgrading to a full service agent.
The listing process
With Realty Express you have the option to sell on your own, sell with help or sell with an agent. Whatever option you choose you can upgrade at any time. If you elect to upgrade your package or go with a “full service” agent, any amount previously spent on packages will be deducted from your total.
If you choose to sell on your own or sell with help, follow the steps below. If you should have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Property value
Whether you choose to use our Property Valuation service, determine your property value on your own or receive a Comparative Market Analysis from one of our agents, we are here to help you get the right price for your property.
Pick your package
Here's where Realty Express really distinguishes itself from all competitors: you can start off by selecting one of our pre built packages and from there pick and choose only the services you feel you need and want.
Property details
Tell us about your property so that we can properly display the information in the MLS and leading websites. We will call you upon your submission to fill in all the blanks and review everything you have submitted to make sure we portray your property accurately and in its best light.
Upload photos
Having good photos of your property is one of the most important parts of the selling process. We make it easy to upload your existing property photos or if you choose to use any of our upgraded packages we take care of this part for you with our professional photography service.
Sign documents
After we make sure all of your property details are as accurate as possible we will send all of the nessesary paperwork needed to get you listed on the MLS through DocuSign for signatures.
Get listed
Once the listing paperwork is signed and we have received all of the photos for your property we will work on getting you entered into the MLS and leading websites.